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Quick Start

Just the Basics!

If you are happy to just get on with it, skip to 'The Ultimate Quick Start Guide' below.

For more detailed help, see the other 'How-To Guides' listed above.

If you encounter a technical problem, please see the 'Troubleshooting' section above, and the information on the 'Download' page when logged in to this website.

The Ultimate Quick Start Guide

  1. Join HexWar (joining is free, and no financial information is requested) to get a user name and password.
  2. Download and install the 'HexWar Game Launcher' using download links to the left.
  3. Go to the 'Challenge' page.
  4. Issue some challenges.
  5. When a challenge is accepted, you will be notified by email. Until then, do the following:
  6. Load the 'HexWar Game Launcher'.
  7. Go to the 'Hot Seat' tab.
  8. You can play games in demo mode to get some practice before you play real people.
  9. Have Fun!

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'HexWar' and 'Hex War' are registered trademarks and are the property of HexWar Ltd., Fortrose, UK.
Many documents and images are produced under license from Decision Games LLC, Bakersfield, USA.